Hyundai Livart order cut off date: 31 May, expect pre-order products arriving HK in around mid/late July

LUE Press Fork Set of 5

Lue makes brass products such as cutlary, stationary and accessory. The small studio is located in Setouchi city, Okayama.
Brass is an attractive material which the color changes calmer and deeper with daily use. Lue always works keeping their products to be used with fun and loved for long time. Lue also knows the good part which Industrial products have. Machines can produce some items more practical and sofisticated.
Lue makes original model by hands first and then brings it to the skilled factory in Japan. Lue’s industrial line are finally born with a lot of “try and error” by both craftsmen and the factory.

Size: Length 16.5cm

Material: Osaka Brass

Made in Japan

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