Hyundai Livart order cut off date: 9 March, expect pre-order products arriving HK in late April

Gas Stove


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  • Body : chrome plate, powder coating
  • Lever (ignition handle) : ABS
  • Top plate : chrome plate, powder coating
  • Head : Aluminum

Color: Ivory Body + Pink Top Plate

Gas: Liquefied butane gas 220g

Weight: 1.27kg

Size :

  • Burner : 262 x 210 x 117 (mm)
  • Case: 270 x 220 x 130 (mm)


  • It can be used more safely with the double safety device inside the gas container. In case of primary overheating, gas flow would be interrupted.
  • You can reduce the risk of accidents by pressing and turning the lever.
  • High thermal efficiency internal combustion type crater, low heat loss and fast thermal conductivity, reducing gas consumption.
  • Detachable top plate is used, easy to clean.
  • The top plate is made of a heat-resistant paint coating material with high corrosion resistance and heat resistance. It leaves less stains and less risk of damage than general stainless steel top plates.

    *Made in Korea
    *Price excluded gas & delivery


    • This product is for outdoor use only.
    • Use the gas appliance in a well-ventilated area away from flammable materials.
    • Do NOT use two gas stove placed next to each other.
    • Do NOT ignite the gas appliance by external devices such as lighters, torches or burning paper.
    • Do NOT leave the gas appliance unattended while in operation.

    *After purchase, we suggest customers picking up from our showroom directly and check the products condition in person. For customers who choose to use SF delivery, we would check and confirm the products in good condition before order dispatch, customers may need to bear the loss of or damage to the products during delivery, we shall not be responsible or liable for any risk of damage to or loss of the products.



    • 此產品只供戶外使用
    • 確保爐具在通風良好和遠離易燃物品的地方使用
    • 不應平排使用兩個手提卡式石油氣爐
    • 不應使用外置器具如打火機、火槍或燃燒的紙張燃點爐具
    • 切勿在無人看管的情況下任由氣體用具長開

    [注意: 網上購買後請到陳列室取貨及即時驗貨,如客人選擇以速遞送貨,本店會確保寄出貨品前已檢查,而不會承擔運送途中的損毀風險,若於運送過程中損毀或寄失,本店一概不會負責]