Hyundai Livart order cut off date: 31 Oct, expect pre-order products arriving HK in late December

送貨服務 Delivery Service


所有產品價錢不包括運費及安裝 (指定推廣除外),請聯絡店員查詢收費詳情。送貨員會在送貨當天於指定送貨時段之前致電顧客,請顧客於送貨當天留意電話收貨。送貨服務不適用於非固定地址、邊境禁區、離島、貨倉、不能經樓梯送貨而需經由露台入屋之地點。

Delivery and installation fees are NOT included in product prices (unless otherwise promoted); please contact our store staff for details on the fees. You will be contacted by our courier(s) on the delivery day of your purchased goods (hereafter “Product”). Please arrange necessary details for pick-up with our courier via phone. Our delivery and installation service (hereafter “Delivery Service”) is not available for unfixed addresses, restricted areas, unconnected islands, warehouses, and/or locations that only be accessed via terrace rather than the staircase.

額外收費Additional Service Fees

  • 送貨服務時間為星期一至六,上午10時至下午8時,公眾假期除外。送貨行程需配合地區路線安排,不能要求指定日期及時段送貨。如需求指定日期及時段送貨,須加收HK$300服務費。
  • 如送貨地址並無升降機直達,我們將根據每層樓層收取額外服務費用,每件產品搬每層加收HK$100-150 (5級樓梯作1層計算)
  • 如送貨時需要為大廈大堂/通道鋪上木板、車輛不能到達而需要搬運到送貨地點,路程超過50米或需時超過3分鐘,送貨員會視乎現場環境收取額外服務費用。
  • 送貨路程/室內通道過窄或有物件阻塞, 以致要抬高貨物或搬走物件才能放到指定位置,送貨員會視乎現場環境收取額外費用。
  • 以上費用將由送貨員現場收取現金。請聯絡店員查詢額外收費詳情。
  • Delivery Service is provided between 10 am and 8 pm, Monday - Saturday, except holidays. The delivery itinerary needs to be arranged in line with the route of the travel area, it is unable to specify the delivery date and time. Additional Service Fee of HK$300 may be charged for scheduling the Delivery Service at a specified date and time.
  • Additional Service Fee is added to non-ground floor addresses with only stair access; HK$100-150 is charged per floor for each Product (5 steps are counted as one floor).
  • Additional Service Fee may be charged at the time of delivery by the courier(s), if 1) wooden boards must be laid for the lobby/walkway, and/or 2) the courier vehicle is unable to reach the delivery address requiring additional travel by foot of 50-metre or more than 3 minutes.
  • Additional Service Fee may be charged at the time of delivery, if the road and/or indoor passage is too narrow and/or is blocked, and the product must be lifted high and/or stuff must be removed/ to be delivered to the designated location.
  • All Additional Service Fees mentioned above will be collected in cash on site by the courier(s). Please contact our store staff ahead for details.

倉租用費Storage Fee

  • 顧客所訂購的產品到貨日起計,如未能於 2個月內收貨須付倉租,費用為每件產品每月收取HK$500,須於送貨前支付倉租。請聯絡店員查詢收費詳情。
  • Should customers fail to collect the items within 2 months from the product arrival date, Storage Fee of HK$500 per month for each item will be charged. The fee is be paid before delivery. Please contact our store staff ahead for details.


  • 如需取消送貨或更改送貨時間,請於送貨日48小時前通知我們,否則額外加收HK$200手續費。
  • 顧客需於送貨時繳付所須運費及上述額外費用,否則送貨員有權收回有關貨品。顧客如需重新安排送貨, 需繳付額外運費及$200附加費。
  • 如顧客所提供之送貨地址有誤或因屋苑保安等其他原因,導致送貨員未能完成送貨及簽收,或於約定時段內沒人簽收貨品,送貨員將取消是次送貨並收回貨品。顧客如需重新安排送貨,需繳付額外運費及$200附加費。
  • 顧客必須於送貨前確保大型貨品能夠進入大廈門口、升降機、家門、房門等,否則有可能要支付額外費用,或在單位外/樓下收貨及不設7天保養跟進服務。
  • 如顧客需要樓梯/斜路搬運,請先咨詢客戶服務同事有關搬運附加費。如下單時沒有預先說明,送貨員會在現場收取附加費用,或安排在樓下收貨及不設7天保養跟進服務。
  • 顧客如需送貨員為傢具安裝角碼固定於牆壁,下單時請先咨詢客戶服務同事有關收費,同事將安排送貨員帶備合適的工具。如下單時沒有說明,送貨員將按實際情況決定能否為客人安裝角碼,並會收取每個角碼HK$200之附加費用。
  • 送貨為連貫性服務,如顧客要求在送貨過程中自行搬運樓梯/推路等,均需自行送上樓及處理安裝,亦不設7天保養跟進服務。
  • 溫馨提示︰送貨員送貨安裝時會盡量小心搬運,建議顧客自行保護屋內容易受損的家具/牆身/地板等。
  • 家俱擺放位置應每邊預留約3cm空間以便將傢俱安放到位。(梳化、床、衣櫃及其他大型家俱需預留更多空間安裝,請聯絡我們了解詳情。)
  • Please contact us 48 hours before the delivery date to change or cancel the appointment; Additional Service Fee of HK$200 will be charged for late date changes and/or cancellations.
  • Delivery fee and additional service fees should be paid by client upon receiving the Product or else the Product will be retrieved by the Courier(s). Extra delivery fee and additional service fee of HK$200 will be charged for setting up a new delivery schedule.
  • In cases in which the delivery address provided by the customer is not deliverable due to 1) incorrect address and/or 2) security issues or otherwise and/or 3) delay or no-show of Product receiver in the delivery period, the courier(s) may retrieve the Product. Extra delivery fee and additional service fee of HK$200 will be charged for setting up a new delivery schedule.
  • Before the delivery appointment, please ensure that large Products can be passed or entered through the following locations: including but not limited to building entrance, lifts, main house entrance and room doors. Failure of prior survey of these entrances may result in Additional Service Fees, delivery of Product outside the unit or building, and/or removal of 7-day warranty service.
  • Please contact our customer service staff about Additional Service Fee ahead of the delivery appointment date should customer have stairs or slopes for products to be moved. Failure to inform such conditions while placing order, 1) the Fees may be charged on the spot, 2) the Product may be delivered outside of the unit or building, and 3) 7-day warranty service may be removed.
  • Please consult our customer service staff about the Fee when placing order if wall bracket installation is required for fixing furniture on wall. Our staff will bring along necessary tools during delivery. For on-site request without prior notice, the wall bracket installation Fee will be HK$200 each. Our staff may refuse any ad-hoc request on the spot due to tight schedule or lack of proper tools.
  • Please note that the last-mile Delivery Service is a holistic process from transport, delivery to installation. Should customer decide to move the Product personally to avoid Additional Service Fees, e.g. for the stairs and/or furniture dolly, the rest of the delivery process will also be completed by the customer on their own responsibility. 7-day warranty service would be removed.
  • Friendly reminder: although the Product will be handled with care during the delivery and installation by the courier(s), we recommend that customer keeps fragile furniture or objects in the house safe and provides protection for walls and flooring.
  • To fit in the furniture, please allow at least 3cm space on each side at the assigned location. (More space is needed for sofa, bed, wardrobe or other large size furniture's installation, please contact us for details.)


    Still have trouble on the purchase or delivery arrangement? Please contact us via:

    • whatsapp / call us at 6140 1730
    • email us at

    Come and visit

    Unit 203, Tower 1, Magnet Place,

    77-81 Container Port Road,

    Kwai Chung, N.T.

    Whatsapp/ Tel: 61401730


    Mon - Sun 11am - 7pm
