Hyundai Livart order cut off date: 30 Sep, expect pre-order products arriving HK in around late November
An Australian nurse Bronnie Ware had written a book about her experiences nursing terminally ill patients and derived into the topic “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying”, it reminds me that from now on, I have to enjoy life and my freedom.
This life is all I have to do all the things I dreamed of and longed for when I was lazing in my teenage bed. There is not going to be reserve time, for later. And this is why Funny Workshop is here, to share our fun experience with all of you.
Funny Workshop is an online shop which shares DIY décor idea and recommend cute furniture with nice design, toys, paper crafts, stamps etc. to encourage positivity by polishing our daily lives with fun.
Now, surf our web to inspire and explore, try to do something to pamper yourself and start with tiny stuff, “Draw Everyday!”, “Make A DIY Toy with your Kids!”, or even “Write Diary (on paper the traditional one)”, sure all these help to bring a pleasant experience to you and your beloved ones.
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大埔‧嵐山 | 洪水橋‧尚城 | 沙田 ‧碩門邨 | 馬鞍山‧星漣海 | 元朗‧瑧頤 | 屯門 ‧海譽 | 屯門‧翠林花園 | 天水圍 ‧天恩邨 | 清水灣‧飛鵝山莊 | 馬鞍山‧迎海 | 元朗 ‧采葉庭 | 梨木樹邨 | 荃灣‧西御凱 | 屯門‧麗日閣 | 大埔‧嘉豐花園 | 荃灣‧樂悠居 | 洪水橋‧泉薈 | 大埔‧廣福邨 | 白石角‧逸瓏灣| 將軍澳‧蔚藍灣畔| 深井‧海韻臺| 大埔‧寶鄉邨 | 元朗‧翠峰| 天水圍‧俊宏軒 | 朗屏‧映御 | 大埔‧盈峰翠邸 | 屯門‧NOVO LAND | 元朗‧加州花園 | 馬鞍山‧新港城 | 大圍‧新翠邨 | 元朗‧康德閣 | 大埔‧運頭塘邨 | 青衣‧長亨邨 | 元朗‧雨後 | 大圍‧柏傲莊 | 將軍澳‧彩明苑 | 元朗‧匯都 | 皇后山邨 | 沙田‧濱景花園 | 元朗‧雅珊園 | 荃威花園
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如有任何爭議, Funny Workshop Company Ltd 保留最終決定權
Unit 203, Tower 1, Magnet Place,
77-81 Container Port Road,
Kwai Chung, N.T.
Whatsapp/ Tel: 61401730
Mon - Sun 11am - 7pm